Thursday, 5 May 2016

Prewriting Benefits and a Warning

Prewriting is one of the most important stages of the writing process, in addition to revision. Unfortunately, many beginning (and some advanced) writers don’t spend enough time on these activities, and so the writing is more difficult than it needs to be.
Prewriting involves all the activities needed to prepare for the first draft, starting with that first flash of a book idea, all the way to a complete outline. The prewriting process (at least as I have experienced it) has several steps, each with a few techniques that make the step easier to get through.
So why not just start typing after that first flash of an idea?
Only in the movies does a writer do that. Remember Chevy Chase in Funny Farm (1988)? He had what he thought was a great idea for a novel. He sat down at the typewriter, typed “Chapter 1” and stared at the typewriter, at a loss for his first sentence. He hadn’t done his prewriting. He finally figured it out and produced (in my view, based on the thickness of the manuscript and his wife’s reaction) a paltry attempt at a novel, more of a novella than anything else.
Chase’s character eventually gives up on the novel and becomes a sports writer. I wonder, as a writer and teacher, whether he gave up because he didn’t understand the writing process, or whether he simply wasn’t cut out as a novelist. He seems happy as a sports writer, so the movie does have a happy ending.
Prewriting is a vital part of the writing process. In approximate sequence within the prewriting process, some of the benefits of prewriting are as follows:
* Prewriting can be a lot of fun. Anything is possible at this point. You have your wonderful book idea, still fuzzy and vague but with great possibilities. Your ideas can be freewheeling, even idiotic. It doesn’t matter. Just keep brainstorming, playing with ideas, collecting resources and notes, doing all the activities needed to finish this stage of the writing process.
The only restriction at this point (unless you place more on yourself) is your need or requirement to stick close to the original vision for the book, but even that restriction is false. Your original idea will rarely match the finished product. I know that’s hard to read, but that’s been my experience. Of course, my books are often better, more complicated than the original idea. The vagueness of the vision allows you to begin work on the idea, so you can create the book you are intended to write.
Detours and weird ideas can often lead to gemstones for your book, whether with the content, organization, or whatever. At this point, your book can go in many directions. Explore them all until you hit upon the one that feels right. “Ah, ha! That’s what I’m going to write.”
2. You can work out the true purpose of the book, playing with alternatives until you find the one that’s right for you and for the reader. What benefits are you looking for as the writer? What benefits are you hoping to give the reader? Make sure your book addresses these purposes.

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How a Sample Personal Statement Essay Can Help You Land a Spot at a Prestigious School

Getting into a prestigious schools for college, graduate, medical, or law school is definitely a big plus for your resume. Many choose to apply for a spot at a prestigious schools because prestige has many benefits:
1. Good reputation means high quality of education
Prestigious schools are known for their reputation of providing a high quality of education, something that all student applicants want to have to gain advantage over others. It may be expensive to study at a prestigious school but it’s all worth it if you get to be taught by the best professors and practitioners in their own fields.
2. Prestigious schools can help you establish networks with other successful individuals.
Graduating from a prestigious school is definitely an advantage, especially when you’re job hunting. Knowing someone from the alumni of a renowned college or university means you can establish a network composed of well-known individuals who can help you with your career or business.
Now, how do you land a spot at your dream school known for its prestige? Aside from having excellent grades, exam scores, and recommendation letters from previous professors or mentors, you have to submit a winning admissions essay.
The admissions essay
Your admissions essay is where you can let the admissions panel see a more personal side of you. This is where you discuss your goals, motivations, and philosophy in life that made you decide to pursue further education at a specific school. To be able to come up with a winning essay, reading a well-written sample personal statement essay is a good idea. A well-written sample personal statement essay can help you figure out what to and what not to discuss in your own essay. Take note though that the sample personal statement essay should only be used as a guide. You shouldn’t copy ideas from sample essays.
When writing an essay, think of a topic that can help you present your best foot forward. Some schools give questions to be answered by the applicants while some ask basic questions such as “Why do want to pursue further education?” It’s up to the applicant to come up with a creative essay that will stand out and present the writer’s strengths as a prospective student. If you can’t think of a topic, surf the Net for sample essays. You may notice that many well-written sample essays discuss the writer’s motivations, goals, philosophy, and personal experiences. Think of your own personal experiences and see which experience can best tell your story as a future lawyer, doctor, graduate student, or freshman at your dream school.
By reading several essays, you’ll be able to pinpoint errors you should avoid when writing your own. These include grammar and typographical errors. You should also have to have a thesis and sentences and paragraphs that support each other, forming a cohesive output. Cliches should also be avoided, as these are overused and provide no personal touch to your essay. When looking for excellent sample essays to be used as guides, you can also ask samples from friends who have graduated or are currently studying at your dream school.

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How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay in Less Than 30 Minutes

An assignment to write a 5 paragraph essay may seem challenging at first, but when broken down into pieces, it is much easier and should be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise, the outcome may be not be what you, your teacher or your parents desired, such as poor grades, anxiety and frustration. Listed here are 4 great tips on how to organize and write a 5 paragraph essays in less than 30 minutes.
1. Essay structure
It is important to have the correct structure for your essay to help organize your thoughts and ideas, and because doing so helps prevent writing off topic or wasting time. Failing to have the correct essay structure can certainly cause you confusion and will make the process seem more difficult. The 5 paragraph structure consists of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion.
2. Introduction
The introduction must tell your reader about the topic, but it must also have an attention grabbing sentence, or hook, to get the reader interested. This is usually about something difficult or challenging. Once you form the attention grabbing sentence, then you are ready for your thesis sentence, which simply states what you are about to tell your reader. The thesis sentence is the last sentence in the introduction. Now you will want to think of 3 point, ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement.
3. Body Paragraphs
Next, when writing a 5 paragraph essay, you must have three (3) paragraphs in the body of the essay. In each paragraph explain in detail one of the three ideas or experiences related to your thesis statement. This structure helps keep the essay on topic and interesting for your reader.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is the simplest paragraph when writing a 5 paragraph essay. The last sentence in your introduction paragraph becomes the first sentence in your conclusion paragraph. The next sentence includes your three points or ideas. Finally, you have the concluding sentence that wraps is all up.

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Accused of Plagiarism? Read How to Create Your Plagiarism Defence Strategy

Nowadays, Universities are taking plagiarism - using someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the author of the original - very seriously and are fighting against it. In the best-case scenario, teachers may decide to award a ‘zero’ mark for a paper or a course; in the worst case, Universities may fail the whole degree or expel the student. This article has been written specifically for those students who have been accused of plagiarism, but who believe that they are not guilty. The article offers some advice to such students on how to defend their position. At the same time, it should be noted that the article is provided for information purposes only, as we do not give legal advice. If you seek legal assistance, you should contact your lawyer who would be in a better position to help you.
There is no doubt that plagiarism is a bad practice which not only endangers your own academic standing, but also hampers the process of scientific discovery. In some cases, plagiarism may even lead to legal proceedings if the authors decide that their work is being misused. In the academic context, however, plagiarism is usually viewed not as a legal infringement but as utterly unethical conduct. For this reason, we have prepared a set of recommendations for you to keep in mind should you face plagiarism accusations.
First and foremost, you must NEVER ADMIT Intentional Plagiarism, as that would be suicidal. If you do admit it, your University or College would be able to do whatever they wish, even fail your degree. Generally, there may be two outcomes of the plagiarism detection process. In half of cases, your University will KNOW and subsequently be able to PROVE that you have committed plagiarism. In the other 50% of cases Universities may SUSPECT that you have plagiarised but would not be able to prove it unless you voluntarily admit having plagiarised.
As a rule, Universities can suspect plagiarism based on the following:
a) The language and style of writing you used in the suspected paper differ from those that you normally employ. This is especially applicable to foreign students for whom English is not the first language. Usually, teachers can easily spot the discrepancies, as the text seems too perfect and 'polished’ and rich in academic jargon and specialist phraseology. If this is the case, your strategy of defence can be to say that you asked a native speaker to proofread your work before submitting it in order to make it more professional and reader-friendly. This is absolutely legal, especially taking into account the fact that many Universities would penalise English language mistakes. Some even try to say, when caught, that the friend who proofread the paper amended the work and that he or she included some ideas without referencing them. This, however, is a shaky strategy, so you should be careful about using it.
b) The usage of models or resources, which were not taught by your tutor or not available in your library. In this case, your strategy of defence could be to say that you did some additional reading or research and/or have a friend studying in a different University who kindly gave you the otherwise inaccessible materials, books or articles. However, you should always bear in mind that, should the need arise, your tutor or academic commission will certainly be asking you questions regarding the resources that you used to write your paper. You ought therefore to make sure that you can answer such questions by preparing meticulously for the meetings. At least, you should know all the titles used and the authors and what each author said.
However, if it happens that your University can prove that you have plagiarised, there could be several defence strategies, such as:
1) In the process of work, you had several drafts of the paper and, as it turns out, accidentally submitted an incorrect version of the report. You can claim that while the rough drafts were not properly referenced, as they were only written to help you plan the paper and give you the overall guidance, the final version was indeed fully referenced and prepared in strict accordance with the academic requirements. At the end of the day, you are a human being and have the right to be mistaken.

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Two Major Types of Research Papers

Have you ever heard that writing a research papers has two types? There are two major types of research papers: argumentative and analytical. During the course of your student career, you are likely to come across both of these variants as part of your requirements.
Argumentative papers, as the name implies, immediately let the reader know what kind of position you will be taking. You do this early in the piece, usually as part of the introduction or the thesis statement. These types of research papers have very defined characteristics, namely:
  • They talk about a highly-debatable, sometimes controversial topic, which affords plenty of room for constructing an argument.
  • There is an overt attempt to persuade the reader using the presentation of evidence, sound reasoning and other suggestive devices.
Analytical papers, on the other hand, often begin with the student posing a question or an issue for which they seek answers. There’s no overt or implied stance. Instead, the whole idea is to explore and evaluate the subject, allowing your findings to dictate the conclusion. As such, analytical writing typically feels much more fluid, as the student merely allows things to take their own shape, rather than forcing it to fit his arguments.
Chances are, you’ll be tasked to write both types of research papers during the course of your studies. As with any type of student writing, they are both best accomplished with the help of a college writing software, so make sure to have one on tap before even starting.

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Warning! Don't Buy Until You Read This Stop Sweating and Start Living Review

Stop Sweating and Start Living claims to be ‘An Amazingly Simple Method to Combat Sweat in Less Than a fortnight… 100% Guaranteed!’ It boasts of an incredibly straightforward, holistic and natural procedure that takes only 30 seconds daily. It boasts of a remarkably straightforward, holistic and natural procedure that takes only half a minute every day.
Is this the real deal?
From the beginning, Mike Ramsey, the creator of Stop Sweating and Start Living hits bull’s eye by identifying that standard treatment for excessive sweating merely consistently provide short-lived alleviation. He learnt the embarrassing way that antiperspirant, however “high-powered”, worked only to disguise his body odors and held sweat at bay for a couple of hours. Well the same for cream, lotion, injection, expensive surgery, prescription or non prescription drugs and painful electric current treatment (which he never knew the effectiveness as it hurt so much that he gave up on it).
Mike Ramsey is a chronic sufferer of excessive sweating. During that 10 years, he went through every feeling of awkwardness, depression and anxiety that accompanied this problem. He avoided potentially awkward functions for example dances, dates and parties. He feared having to meet pals with an embrace lest they will touch his soaking wet shirt. He lived in constant fear, pondering if he stinks or looks ridiculous in his shackles of sweat.
Drawing from his personal experiences, Mike Ramsey was desperate for a lifetime solution. Mike Ramsey combed through plenty of research papers and publications. In a health workshop that he attended, it suddenly occurred to him how he can piece together the puzzle, to produce an efficient, guaranteed solution so he could live normally again. He altered and synergized options from diverse background, pieced together an organized plan and the guaranteed Stop Sweating and Start Living approach was created. He experienced extraordinary improvement in his condition within weeks. Mike Ramsey’s individual ordeals with excessive sweating gives me confidence that he knows what he is talking about and that Stop Sweating and Start Living can provide crucial help to those like us desiring to combat our hyperhidrosis problems.
I am excited by the fact that I do not have to shell out lots of additional cost to get some special soap or spray or magic ingredient. To put it accurately, many of the resources required to implement the techniques are found at home already. However you positively have to be devoted to follow through the treatment plan. Consistency and discipline to undertake that half a minute a day cure is key to this permanent cure.
I must say too that not everybody will see results in a fortnight though. Some have said that they begin seeing the advantage of this original program after a couple of days whereas there are also a few who witnessed benefits only after monthly. There really isn’t an accurate measure as to the span of time you need to stick to the treatment plan before you see results because some reported back that there were not indications of any improvement in the first 2 weeks of implementation, but interestingly the benefits emerged strongly in the 3rd week..
Before you dismiss this guide as another groundless, unworkable solution, know that Stop Sweating and Start Living is a well established, verified natural and safe alternative method that is drug-free, pain-free and designed for both men and women. Not just has more than 14,000 individuals employed the technique taught in Stop Sweating and Start Living, this technique has a wide reach of 102 international locations. Mike Ramsey actually gives you 60 Days to try Stop Sweating and Start Living 100% risk free. With such quality, simplicity and money back guarantee, Stop Sweating and Start Living is 2nd to none; such an inexpensive price.

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A Brainstorming Session on How eBooks Can Help Your Business, Nonprofit, Education Program and More

As an eBook author who writes for businesses, educators, entrepreneurs, and a variety of other entities, I’ve seen some great ideas put out into the e-world! See, eBooks are a great way to get your message out to a wider audience. With the internet, the world is literally the “limit!” And one way to bridge the gap between your message and your potential client or donor, is with eBooks.
When I’ve shared the value of eBooks, I have often mentioned how great they are as a way to reveal your message in a more interpersonal manner with your audience. What I mean by this is that with eBooks, you can communicate… more ideas, expanding on them… more stories and add more photos than in a standard letter… elaborate on valuable aspects of the program that may not be able to be done in a brochure… and on and on. And, of course, eBooks are very flexible which makes them a great tool for any business or program!
Today, people can read eBooks on a number of devices… even their phones! So what would you want to share with your audience? What wouldn’t you like to share! You have a message, something to teach, something you want people to know. Well, the people are all out there.
Let’s look at a few examples of how some businesses have used eBooks:
Nonprofits have shared their specialties and knowledge with their audience. So many organizations have done such wonderful things for their communities and world! It’s great to hear the success stories and to see that many are continuing forward with their efforts and their focus. There has been some great eBook-type materials put out including how-to guides, educational materials, and so much more.
Entrepreneurs have imparted their business purposes, skills, and passions with potential clients through eBooks. As an entrepreneur, having eBooks help to bring a sense of authority to a small business.
An interesting aspect in having eBooks which a few of my clients have shared, is that there seemed to have been a better rapport with clients who had read their eBooks before working together than those who hadn’t. They shared that the clients mentioned that having read the eBooks, they’d felt that working together could be a good fit and in most cases, it had been! So eBooks help potential clients relate to a business in a way that perhaps few other modalities might.
For entities with political, environmental, and other in-depth messages, eBooks could be a great way to share them. Often, people get pamphlets or letters that are a few pages long and attempt to cram all of the details of the message into those few pages. In an eBook, points can be elaborated on. Stories can be added as examples. Even sections answering common questions can be added.
With eBooks, there is a lot of flexibility in how you deliver your message, scope, and plan. With such a versatile tool in your arsenal, you have a much better chance of expanding the reach of your message to those who may benefit from it and that just might benefit your business as well.

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Types of College Essay Topics That Every Student Must Know

Essays can be a tough assignment for many students. Although essays mean writing a series of paragraphs, putting one’s thoughts in a correct way can be complicated. Knowing the rules to follow will certainly make one’s work stand out among the rest. As there are several types of essays, below are the most frequently used and the rules to follow to make one’s essay effective.
This type of essay focuses on an idea and the reaction of the writer. The essay starts with a statement or a question which is answered by the writer by providing his opinion on the matter. The opinion is backed up by a series of evidences or facts supporting the argument. The writer would then conclude the paper in a concise and clear manner. Examples include writer’s opinion on an event, humanity and even politics.
Cause and Effect
Cause and Effect is the easiest type of essay as it is concerned with providing readers the cause and the effect or end result. This type allows writers to practice their organization skills while at the same time discussing the ideas they are interested in. The essay starts with either the writer deliberating on the cause, the effect or both. The body would then include details that would support the first statement such as incidents that led to the cause or effect. Topics that are often discussed under this essay type include environmental and civil or human rights.
Persuasive essays involve persuading readers to adopt the writer’s view about an idea. In a persuasive essay, writers must choose which side of the argument they want to be on. Evidences must be specific to ensure that the idea that one is presenting is supported. Be logical and objective. Include facts, statistics and experts’ comments as they help make the idea concrete; however, do not overdo these as they can bore the readers. Popular topics include drugs, health, gun control and other controversial topics.
Narrative essays are like storytelling as writers often write the essay in the form of a story, presenting readers with a particular plot that includes characters, a setting, the climax and the ending of the story. A higher form of narrative essay includes discussion of the point of view of the writer and the purpose of why the paper was written. Details provided in the story help support the point of view as well as explain the story. Popular topics include a person’s life, success stories and travels.

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